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User Feedback

To get user feedback on how good my Modular Miniature Gaming Terrain was, I played several games with them and after the games I asked the following questions to gauge their view of the models.

1. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the terrain used in these games?


2. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the terrain against other official terrain you have used?


3. Would you use this terrain if provided for use?

"Yes, I think I would use the Ruins, Castle, and maybe the Landing Pad."

4. If you had the option to purchase any of the terrain pieces?

"I would buy the Castle, Landing Pad, and maybe some of the Ruins, they seem really neat."

5. What would you be willing to pay for each of the models?

Castle : $30-40


Landing Pad : $30-40


4x Ruins : $20-25


Generator : $30



7. How easy on a scale of 1-10 was it to assemble models?

'7-8' Most testers reported that these models were easier to build then other terrain pieces but that certain ones, such as the Generator and Ruins would be better fully glued when built.

6. Is there anything you would change about the terrain?

"I would make the Generator shorter so it didn't take as much space."

8. Which model is your favorite?

Castle x3


Landing Pad x2

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